E.N. Durham – Erotic Romance Author
We’re All a Little Mad Here.My Latest Ramblings …

Writing Prompts for the New Year
I love writing prompts. Even if I don’t always stick to them strictly, they are often a good way to get the juices flowing. I went looking for some inspiration for a project that is currently stumping me and came across 101 Romance Writing Prompts. They may be geared toward screenwriters, but they may be…

The Rough Draft Challenge – I Failed… Again
So, NaNoWriMo, Rough Draft Challenge, whatever you want to call it, seems to come at a spectacularly bad time for me. November just seems to be such a month of personal turmoil that it is so hard to write to a daily goal. I have come to the conclusion that this time of challenge is…

The Rough Draft Challenge – NaNoWriMo is dead, long live NaNoWriMo.
NaNoWriMo? So, last year, as I was gearing up for NaNoWriMo as an impetus to do the thing, I posted my word counts on various projects. That did not work out so well, as everything went off the rails. I have written very little in the last year, as things got a little crazy around…

How I am Making Space for What I Love – My Writing
I am leaving my previous posts as they are, including the large gap, in an effort at transparency. However, as you can see, I have been pretty absent for the last year. While I have done some writing and revising during that time, I would definitely put it on a hobby level of effort, not…

Writing Accountability & NaNoWriMo
While I am gearing up in my head for NaNoWriMo, in truth, I am trying to reestablish more regular writing habits. One of the big steps I am taking, toward that goal, is accountability. Honestly, I suck at it, and on doing anything (especially writing) on any kind of schedule. I’m working on it. But…

What Makes a Writer?
I will, probably, never be a traditionally published author. I am not looking to live off of my writing. My actual career is something that I love and am very good at. I will, however, defend to the death my right to be called a writer. Ever since I discovered what that could possibly mean,…
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